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Construction Technology

Jet Grouting

Blog / 4 Sep, 2023

Jet grouting is a specialized construction technique that involves injecting high-pressure grout into .soil or rock to form a soil-cement column. Our selected project does not use this method. But this is a better way than using a sheet pile. Also, this is a very suitable earthwork support because the site is on a riverbank.


  • It can be used to create stable foundations for structures such as bridges or buildings on riverbanks. 
  • It can also be used to stabilize soil slopes and prevent landslides or other slope failures.
  • It can be used in areas with limited access or difficult soil or rock conditions as it can be done.
  • Using small equipment and requires minimal excavation.
  • The resulting soil-cement columns are strong and durable, providing long-term stability to the riverbank.


  • Jet grouting requires careful planning and design to ensure that the grout strips are properly placed and of sufficient size and strength for the intended load
  • The construction process can be time-consuming and require specialised equipment and expertise.
  • Using high-pressure grout injection may disturb or damage the surrounding soil or rock.
  • The environmental impact of jet milling must be carefully considered and minimised, particularly in terms of waste generation and disposal.

Overall, jet grouting can effectively stabilise riverbanks and create a stable base for construction. during construction activities. However, it is important to carefully assess site conditions and potential risks before choosing this earthworks support method and to ensure that appropriate design, construction and environmental measures are in place to ensure a successful and sustainable outcome.